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A story from Baozi

Created on:2024-04-18 15:21

Hello, everyone! Today, I want to share with you an intriguing story about baozi, a delicacy that is not just a testament to taste but also a witness to history. The origins of baozi can be traced back to the tumultuous times of the Three Kingdoms in ancient China, a time marked by warfare and strategic brilliance. Legend has it that the esteemed strategist, Zhuge Liang, invented the precursor to baozi - the mantou - to help his troops cross a river safely. Local customs demanded human heads as a sacrificial offering to the river deity for safe passage. Moved by compassion, Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to craft shapes resembling human heads using dough and meat, thus sparing actual lives. These faux heads were accepted by the river deity, and this ingenious invention allowed the army to cross unharmed. This event marked the inception of the baozi.


      As centuries passed, baozi entrenched itself across various regions in China, each developing its unique flavors and styles. The north is renowned for its juicy fillings encased in soft, fluffy dough, while the south prides itself on creating exquisitely small buns such as the Minnan baozi and Cantonese dim sum, each showcasing unparalleled craftsmanship.


      Through the vast expanse of history, baozi has not only been a part of China’s rich culinary tradition but has also stepped onto the global stage, evolving and innovating with time. Today, whether in bustling cities or serene countryside, baozi remains a beloved dish, and its historic background adds a layer of profoundness to this simple staple.


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